Consumer Compliant
What is Consumer Complaint?
Consumers who pay for a specific good or service have the right to take legal action if they receive subpar products or subpar services. The Consumer Protection Act of 1986 gives consumers various legal rights and protections. According to this Act, the customer may take a business or service provider to court with a formal complaint. An online consumer complaint is what this specific issue is known as. If the business ignores a legal warning to correct the problem, a complaint is typically made. All necessary information and accompanying documentation must be submitted when registering a complaint. The consumer courts in India offer clients prompt legal counsel and decisions.
What are the steps for filing a Consumer Complaint?
STEP 1 - Talk to Advocate on AdvoTalks and understand you consumer rights. The lawyer will guide you to express your concerns over the product or service in writing to the manufacturer or seller. For claims above 10,000, it is highly recommended that you have a conversation with your lawyer and get 5 minutes free legal consultation on AdvoTalks and deliver the legal notice. This will show the vendor that you plan to bring legal action if justice is denied.
STEP 2 - Once you send the legal notice, it's likely that the company will respond to your complaint. You might receive a just reward from some. The courts will not grant requests for extremely great damages. In the event that you do not hear back within the given time, which is normally 15 days, you have the option of contacting the consumer forum.
STEP 3- A suitable consumer forum should then be chosen. The district forum, state commission, or national commission should be chosen depending on the cost and the compensation. You or a representative you choose may approach the forum or commission with your grievance. The proceedings might take anything from six to eighteen months to complete.
STEP 4 - The format differs depending on the forum that is chosen. Make sure to put your grievance in writing. The lawyers listed on AdvoTalks will be able to help you through their 5 minutes free legal consultation. The lawyer will create the ideal complaint and include all the necessary details. It is essential to present the legal notice you made to the vendor or service provider to the court in order to demonstrate to the competent authority that you attempted to resolve this dispute without going to trial.
STEP 5 - To file a consumer complaint, you must pay a court fee which was asked by the filing department of the consumer forum, depending upon your loss amount. If you prevail in your lawsuit, the court will compel the seller to compensate you for all of your expenditures, including attorney fees.